I was relieved to be able to get a ride on yesterday, having only rode once on the trainer this week. That, and the abundance of food during the Raya Haji weekend made me feel bloated and ungainly (I so sound like a girl). The ride managed to keep me sane.
Since I didn't have a lot of time to ride, I decided to make it hard. Tempo and threshold work for most of the ride. It's pretty hilly on the back end of Penang, so that's where I decided to ride. Threshold on the hills, recover on the descents, and tempo to the next climb. The tempo sections were done on the lower end of Zone 3 (i.e. around 180W) and the threshold climbs midway through Zone 4 (i.e. around 240 W). It was pretty hard. The power profile is below, and the 4 threshold hill sections are circled in red.

After the last climb, I hammered all the way back at mid Zone 3, around 200W. It was damn windy on the Coastal Highway and at some points I literally felt like I was at a standstill. I was thrashed by the time I reached Queensbay and had an easy cool down ride til I reached home.